Museum of Weird Books of Weird Books

Looking Forward to Being Attacked

Looking Forward to Being Attacked

by Lt. Jim Bullard

(Memphis Police Department, published 1977)

This book teaches women the right attitude to have when faced with an attacker. Let the chapter titles speak for themselves: "Putting the Old Spark Back in Your Obscene Telephone Calls;" "Don't Shoot the Peeping Tom, He May Be Your Next Door Neighbor!" "Exhibitionists Could Be Nice If They Were Not So Bashful," and "Applying Pressure Against Joints To Surprise, Bewilder, and Gain the Admiration of Your Attacker!"

Okay, so Lt. Bullard has a sense of humor about this subject, but his point is a valuable one: women can change their attitudes when faced with the possibility of attack from that of prospective victim to that of a take-charge-of-the-situation, properly controlled, and well-channeled response of outrage and anger. Angie Dickinson, stand back!

To illustrate his point, Lt. Bullard's book is chock full of black and white photos of fashionably dressed women and their leisure-wearing would-be-attackers. These women are clearly enjoying themselves.


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Men in trench coats are always suspicious, especially on the tennis court.


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This man criticized the cut of the coat she was considering buying. The heave-ho for him.


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Never stand at a busstop with a stranger who has a bag over his head.

"Look, we're on candid camera!"


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The book stacks harbor all kinds of perverts. Modern librarians are as well-versed in self-defense as the Dewey Decimal System.


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"Seize and squeeze!" directs Lt. Bullard. "Don't forget to let go," he warns. Did Ms. Bobbit read this book?


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